Sustainability at puzzleYOU
In 2009, our journey began as a start-up. Since then, we have been developing and producing personalised classics for people who are looking for a unique gift idea for their loved ones. In the meantime, a lot has happened. We are now operating globally and have established a second production subsidiary in the US. We are aware of our growing responsibility for our planet, but also for the people around us, and have taken a number of sustainability measures.
- Print-On-Demand
- Sustainable products
- Recycling
- Ecological responsibility
- Responsibility for our employees

Print-on-Demand business model
The fact that we have almost no over-production is firmly anchored in our business model. We only produce what our customers really want - and only in the desired quantity. This allows us to avoid unnecessary stock and material wastage and to only print when an order comes in. This saves material and protects the environment. For the reason that our customers receive exactly the product they designed themselves, our return rate is fortunately also very low.

Print-on-Demand business model
The fact that we have almost no over-production is firmly anchored in our business model. We only produce what our customers really want - and only in the desired quantity. This allows us to avoid unnecessary stock and material wastage and to only print when an order comes in. This saves material and protects the environment. For the reason that our customers receive exactly the product they designed themselves, our return rate is fortunately also very low.
Environmentally friendly and sustainable products
A puzzle is a naturally durable product. We produce according to high quality standards, so that the pleasure of puzzling is maintained for many years, even over generations. This is why we give a 15-year guarantee on our products. We print all puzzles and games on sturdy cardboard made from 100% recycled material. You can continue puzzling with a clear conscience, since our puzzle board is part of the raw material cycle. By the way, did you know that we at puzzleYOU save 4 tonnes of plastic waste every year? We are the first puzzle manufacturer to refrain from foiling the puzzle boxes.
A puzzle is a naturally durable product. We produce according to high quality standards, so that the pleasure of puzzling is maintained for many years, even over generations. This is why we give a 15-year guarantee on our products. We print all puzzles and games on sturdy cardboard made from 100% recycled material. You can continue puzzling with a clear conscience, since our puzzle board is part of the raw material cycle. ...show more ...show less By the way, did you know that we at puzzleYOU save 4 tonnes of plastic waste every year? We are the first puzzle manufacturer to refrain from foiling the puzzle boxes. Of course, the puzzle box is well protected even without the plastic foil –as we have developed a special protective layer against dirt and scratches. Protective emulsion ensures even better colour rendition with a very pleasant haptic feel. Another positive aspect: our products are free of harmful substances. This is not only important for children, who sometimes put small puzzle pieces in their mouths, but also for the environment. Incorrect waste disposal could, for example, result in tiny, invisible pollutant particles dissolving and ending up directly in nature.
Of course, the puzzle box is well protected even without the plastic foil –as we have developed a special protective layer against dirt and scratches. Protective emulsion ensures even better colour rendition with a very pleasant haptic feel. Another positive aspect: our products are free of harmful substances. This is not only important for children, who sometimes put small puzzle pieces in their mouths, but also for the environment. Incorrect waste disposal could, for example, result in tiny, invisible pollutant particles dissolving and ending up directly in nature.

Sustainable packaging
Together with our partners, we develop tailor-made packaging for all our products.
This allows us to save considerably on material resources. Of course, we only use environmentally friendly materials. puzzleYOU uses corrugated cardboard boxes, which consist of 80 percent recycled waste paper and are 100 percent recyclable. Plant protection products and other prohibited substances are not used or added to the production process. Our suppliers already use various percentages of FSC ®-certified paper as standard paper for our packaging. The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an international organisation that promotes environmentally friendly, socially acceptable and economically viable management of the world's forests.

Sustainable packaging
Together with our partners, we develop tailor-made packaging for all our products.
This allows us to save considerably on material resources. Of course, we only use environmentally friendly materials. puzzleYOU uses corrugated cardboard boxes, which consist of 80 percent recycled waste paper and are 100 percent recyclable. Plant protection products and other prohibited substances
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are not used or added to the production process. Our suppliers already use various percentages of FSC ®-certified paper as standard paper for our packaging. The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an international organisation that promotes environmentally friendly, socially acceptable and economically viable management of the world's forests.

Renewable energies and ecological responsibility
The transition to renewable energy sources is a simple but important step in the right direction. We cover the electricity needs in our production entirely with climate-neutral electricity, among other things with our own solar cells, with which we convert part of the sun's rays into electrical energy, which in turn is used for production processes. For us, ecological responsibility means sustainably improving the quality of the environment.
Un puzzle est un produit durable de par sa nature. Nous produisons selon des normes de qualité très élevées afin que le plaisir de faire un puzzle demeure intact pendant de nombreuses années, voire même de génération en génération. Ainsi, nous donnons unegarantie de 15 ans à cet effet. Nous imprimons tous nos puzzles et jeux sur un carton solide et fabriqué à 100% à partir de matériaux recyclés. Vous pouvez donc continuer à faire des puzzles la conscience tranquille.
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Le saviez-vous ? Chez puzzleYOU, nous économisons, dès maintenant, jusqu’à quatre tonnes de déchets plastiques par an. Nous sommes le premier fabricant de puzzles à renoncer au filmage de la boîte de puzzle. Naturellement, celle-ci est, même sans film, bien protégée car nous avons développé une couche de protection spéciale contre les salissures et les rayures.
Une émulsion protectrice assure une intensité des couleurs encore plus grande ainsi qu’un toucher très agréable.
Autre point positif : nos produits sont exempts de substances nocives. Ceci est non seulement important pour les enfants, qui mettent parfois les petites pièces dans leur bouche, mais également pour l’environnement. En effet, en cas de traitement non approprié, des minuscules particules invisibles de substances nocives pourraient se détacher et se répandre directement dans la nature.
For the location of our headquarters, we deliberately chose the so-called Ökologia building in Altenstadt. Thanks to its all-wood construction, the building is integrated into the natural cycle of materials. Building and isolation materials that are environmentally friendly and biodegradable were used for the construction. Sustainable drainage technology provides a 20,000 litre reservoir that allows rainwater to be used for the toilets.

Responsibility for our employees
We also want to be attractive to our employees - the pillar of the company - and this requires mutual fairness. In addition to flexible working hours, we offer the best opportunities for work-life balance, e.g. the possibility of working from home. We want to be an attractive and sustainable employer for our employees and constantly develop in the right direction. As an international company, everyone is welcome and we are open to equal opportunities.

Responsibility for our employees
The transition to renewable energy sources is a simple but important step in the right direction. We cover the electricity needs in our production entirely with climate-neutral electricity, among other things with our own solar cells, with which we convert part of the sun's rays into electrical energy, which in turn is used for production processes. For us, ecological responsibility means sustainably improving the quality of the environment. ...show more ...show less For the location of our headquarters, we deliberately chose the so-called Ökologia building in Altenstadt. Thanks to its all-wood construction, the building is integrated into the natural cycle of materials. Building and isolation materials that are environmentally friendly and biodegradable were used for the construction. Sustainable drainage technology provides a 20,000 litre reservoir that allows rainwater to be used for the toilets.

Responsibility for our employees
We also want to be attractive to our employees - the pillar of the company - and this requires mutual fairness. In addition to flexible working hours, we offer the best opportunities for work-life balance, e.g. the possibility of working from home. We want to be an attractive and sustainable employer for our employees and constantly develop in the right direction. As an international company, everyone is welcome and we are open to equal opportunities.

The road to full sustainability is long. We know that. We continue to regularly evaluate our products and look for ways to reduce packaging materials and thus the use of fossil raw materials. We constantly question our own behaviour in order to produce less waste and continue to reduce our carbon footprint in the future.